Posted in: Thoughts

The Downside

While there are many advantages to aphantasia, the downsides are just as real. For example, my episodic memory is basically non-existent. Most nights, before I put my oldest daughter down to bed, she asks me to tell her about “when she was a baby.” This exercise is nearly impossible for me without visual aids.

While I know what my daughter was like when she was younger, and I have a “sense” of all the wonderful experiences we’ve shared together, it’s nearly impossible to recall specific events without some kind of reference.

This is, perhaps, the absolute worst thing about aphantasia, and it’s the primary reason why I personally seek a cure. I would trade the meditative and abstract thinking abilities for the episodic memories of my children any day of the week.

That said, I will continue to work on my visualization abilities until, one day, hopefully I can visualize without difficulty. Where there is a will there is a way!

Take care.

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