Posted in: Thoughts

Unleash Your Creative Potential with “The Sensory Swap”: A Technique for Aphantasiacs

Are you tired of feeling limited by your lack of visualization? Do you feel like your inability to imagine things is holding you back from your creative potential? Well, fear not my fellow aphantasiacs, for I have a solution that might just spark your imagination. I call it “The Sensory Swap.” It’s a technique that […]

Posted in: Thoughts

Unleashing Your Creative Potential: Techniques for Overcoming Aphantasia

Have you ever wanted to visualize something in your mind, but just couldn’t seem to make it happen? If this sounds familiar, you might have aphantasia – a condition that affects your ability to mentally visualize images or concepts. While there may not be a surefire cure for aphantasia, there are techniques you can use […]

Posted in: Thoughts

Unlocking the Musical Talents of Aphantasia: How I Discovered My Creative Potential

I have an interesting story about aphantasia and music. As someone with aphantasia, I always assumed that my inability to visualize extended to all forms of creativity. But last week, I discovered that I could actually create music in my head. It started with a catchy tune that popped into my mind while I was […]

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