Posted in: Thoughts

Enhancing Visualization Abilities: How Laughter May Be the Key for Aphantasia Sufferers

As a member of the aphantasia community, I’ve been on the hunt for ways to improve my visualization skills. I’ve tried meditation, hypnosis, and even psychedelics (shh, don’t tell anyone). But it wasn’t until I stumbled upon a study on the benefits of laughter that I found a technique that actually worked for me. According […]

Posted in: Thoughts

Surprising Study Shows Caffeine May Boost Visualization Abilities: My Experience with Aphantasia and Coffee

I’ve been a member of the aphantasia community for a while now, always looking for ways to improve my visualization abilities. But sometimes, it feels like no matter what I try, I just can’t seem to make any progress. Recently, I stumbled upon an interesting study that suggests a link between caffeine consumption and visualization […]

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Aphantasia Confirmed

Finally putting to rest those few people who still believe that aphatansia is not a real condition, or that it’s only a matter of semantics, scientists have discovered a method of physically testing for aphantasia by monitoring pupil dilation. Subjects who reported less visualization ability did not experience pupil dilation when “recalling” bright and dark […]

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Aphantasia Study

An interesting article on a recent study of people with aphantasia discusses the cognitive effects of having “a blind mind’s eye.” Unfortunately, the study and the article fail to mention the cognitive benefits of aphantasia. It’s understandable that researchers who do not have aphantasia would be preoccupied by the disadvantages and less aware of the […]

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Posted in: News

Breakthrough Study

A breakthrough study led by researchers at UNSW Sydney links the excitability of neurons in the visual cortex to a lack of visualization ability. This research indicates aphantasia might be caused by an “overactive” visual cortex as opposed to an inactive one. Additionally, the researchers were able to influence the level of image strength through […]

Posted in: Thoughts

Aphantasia During Quarantine

If you’re isolated at home like most of us still are, and especially if you are unemployed, now might be the perfect time to start practicing your visualization abilities. For those with children, it can be extremely difficult to find time during the day to learn new skills, but before bed, try your visualization exercises […]

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CNBC Article on Aphantasia

I don’t know how I missed this, but Christina Farr at CNBC wrote an article about her experience with aphantasia about a week ago. The article includes some questions asked of Blake Ross. I also appreciate that Christina is optimistic about the condition, and she is aware of the potential benefits, which appear to be […]

Posted in: Thoughts

Is Aphantasia a Superpower?

I’ve thought about this quite a bit, but could aphantasia actually be an evolutionary advantage? I can’t be the only person with this condition who is convinced it provides a superpower. I am able to sit and think about absolutely nothing except the environment around me at will. It’s like having the ability to meditate […]

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Student Article on Aphantasia

We found an interesting article about aphantasia that was recently published in the Daily Collegian, a student paper at Penn State. A student named Cassandra Kidwell discovered she has the condition. It’s good that additional attention is being brought to aphantasia. Bravo Cassandra! As further research and reporting takes place, we can all learn how […]

Posted in: Thoughts

The Downside

While there are many advantages to aphantasia, the downsides are just as real. For example, my episodic memory is basically non-existent. Most nights, before I put my oldest daughter down to bed, she asks me to tell her about “when she was a baby.” This exercise is nearly impossible for me without visual aids. While […]

Posted in: Dreams

Improving My Dreams

Last night I performed my dream routine. I grabbed a bottle of corona (no pun intended given the current environment) with a lime wedge, and used it to wash down all of the supplements listed in our basic membership section. As I prepared for bed, I put on some isochronic theta tones set to “loop” […]

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