Posted in: Thoughts

Surprising Study Shows Caffeine May Boost Visualization Abilities: My Experience with Aphantasia and Coffee

I’ve been a member of the aphantasia community for a while now, always looking for ways to improve my visualization abilities. But sometimes, it feels like no matter what I try, I just can’t seem to make any progress.

Recently, I stumbled upon an interesting study that suggests a link between caffeine consumption and visualization abilities. Apparently, consuming caffeine before attempting visualization exercises can boost the results.

Of course, as someone who’s always been sensitive to caffeine, I was a bit hesitant to try it out. But I figured it was worth a shot, so I brewed myself a cup of coffee and settled in for a visualization exercise.

And it worked! For the first time in ages, I was actually able to form a clear mental image in my head. It was only fleeting and not very detailed, but it was a huge improvement from before.

Now, I’m not saying that caffeine is a cure for aphantasia. But it’s certainly an interesting avenue worth exploring, especially if other visualization techniques aren’t working for you.

If you decide to give caffeine a try, be sure to start with a small amount and see how it affects you. And as always, don’t forget to share your experiences with the community so we can all learn and grow together.

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