Posted in: Thoughts

Jonathan Levi – Accelerated Learning “Expert” – Total Idiot

Some guy named Jonathan Levi, who purports to be some kind of “memory expert,” posted what appears to be the most idiotic video I’ve ever seen on aphantasia. Luckily, no one watches his videos, so no harm done. However, I’m going to link to the video here purely for entertainment purposes. It’s actually hilarious:

Jonathan Levi – Memory “Expert”

At the time of this post, Jonathan Levi’s incoherent, totally uninformed, embarrassing display of ineptitude here had 116 likes and a whopping 741 dislikes. Perhaps that’s why Jonathan disabled the comments?

You see, Jonathan the expert is so smart he just “knows” that aphantasia doesn’t even exist! Clearly the actual scientists who have studied and coined the condition know nothing at all. Neither do people with aphantasia! Jonathan is the real deal. Just sign up for his class and he will prove to you that you don’t even have such a condition you silly little people.

Jonathan is so smart and his imagination is so strong, he’s totally capable of imagining what it’s like to not have an imagination. Or, wait? Something tells me this guy is the guy who takes too many ice cream samples when there’s a long line behind him. He’s the guy who pretends he doesn’t see you when his cart is blocking the whole aisle (and he never returns it when he’s done). This is the guy who leaves his dog poop on the sidewalk for someone else to clean up.

I thought you would all enjoy watching this dumpster fire of an “expert” pretend he knows anything about aphantasia. If anyone actually pays this guy money please stop immediately.

Here is a list of some of the dumb things Jonathan says in his video:

  • Aphantasia isn’t real and he can “prove it.”
  • Aphantasia is a disability (it’s not)
  • Aphantasia is hardly understood by researchers
  • Aphantasia is not testable (it is)
  • Our brains naturally remember only with visualization
  • Visualization is crucial for human survival
  • If you know what your home looks like you don’t have aphantasia
  • In 4 weeks with just 30 minutes of practice per day you’ll be “amazed at how easy it is to visualize.”

This guy should be prosecuted for lying so egregiously while taking people’s money.

Update: now that aphantasia has been confirmed via a physical pupil test, Jonathan looks like even more of an idiot.

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