Curing Aphantasia
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Aphantasia Defined

I don’t recall aphantasia being defined in the dictionary previously, but here it is now!

Definition of ‘aphantasia’

aphantasiain British English

(ˌæfænˈteɪzɪə) NOUN an inability to form mental images

Word origin: from Greek phantazein to cause to be seen, from phainein to show

We’ve made it to the mainstream ladies and gentlemen… maybe people will stop questioning if aphantasia is a real thing now?

Probably not.

We still need a term to describe a lack of imagination for “all senses” including sound, taste, touch, and smell. I have this, and I also lack the ability to dream.

I propose we call it total aphantasia. This term has already come into common use, and I think it properly defines the difference between a lack of visual imagination and all imaginary senses.

In reality, the proper definition of aphantasia should probably be “an inability to form mental images or other imaginary mental experiences,” and then people can say they either have total aphantasia or partial aphantasia.

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