Posted in: Thoughts

Update on Hallucinogens as a Cure for Aphantasia

In my section on hallucinogens, I was adamant that my research shows they are not effective for improving or curing visualization in people with aphantasia. At the time of writing, I had not personally experimented with hallucinogens, and I was speaking solely from the evidence I had gathered among those who had.

Since then, I have accumulated further evidence that hallucinogens do not aid with visualization (except potentially with the use of ketamine). However, I now have additional evidence that suggests that not only do hallucinogens not aid those with aphantasia with visualization, but it also appears that some (or many?) individuals with aphantasia may be completely immune to the hallucinogenic properties of these drugs altogether.

I can confirm, these individuals feel no effects from hallucinogenic drugs including but not limited to psilocybin (mushrooms), LSD, MDMA, and mescaline. If you are curious about hallucinogens, I do not recommend you try them for the purposes of curing your aphantasia (or any other purpose for that matter due to the dangers associated with the use of these drugs).

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