Posted in: Thoughts

Hangovers, Alcohol, and Aphantasia

I didn’t want to make this post, but I have to.

My visualization ability has definitely taken a hit in the last couple months. I blame it on a lack of practice for a couple weeks, and then it was hard to get it back.

That was the case, until I had a major hangover last Friday. For some reason, copious alcohol consumption does seem to bring about improved visualization ability. Additionally, on Friday I was inundated with stress and I have been having a lot of exposure to the sun.

I think these things combined to help with my visuals. Since Friday, my dreams have improved, nights feel longer, and my visualization ability while awake is noticeably better. I’m sure the effects won’t last, but the reality of the observation cannot be ignored.

To be clear, I am not recommending copious alcohol consumption in order to improve your visualization ability. I’m simply documenting the facts as I see them, and attempting to identify the primary causes of what helps and what hurts my ability to visualize.

Hangovers, Alcohol, and Aphantasia

My theory is that alcohol leaves us inebriated, and lowers our inhibitions. I’m convinced that the aphantasia brain is consciously and intentionally preventing visuals from happening. When your inhibitions are down, the brain allows some of these visualizations to take place.

Stay safe and drink responsibly.

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