Posted in: Thoughts

Is Aphantasia a Superpower?

I’ve thought about this quite a bit, but could aphantasia actually be an evolutionary advantage? I can’t be the only person with this condition who is convinced it provides a superpower. I am able to sit and think about absolutely nothing except the environment around me at will. It’s like having the ability to meditate peacefully any time I want. I can live in the moment like no one else, and I am constantly in tune with the world around me.

When you cannot day dream, how can you not be connected with the world around you? Even when I intentionally ignore my environment, I feel at peace. This isn’t a bad way to live.

In addition to the powerful meditative abilities, I feel I have the ability to think in an abstract way which is significantly superior to others. I am able to process highly complex information and compare it with vast data sets instantaneously. I often feel like other people are “playing catch-up.” If you’ve experienced this as well, please comment below as I am looking for people who have had similar experiences.

Enjoy what you have.

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